西營盤歷史文化徑/ 先進鐘錶行

第四站/ 先進鐘錶行

Fourth Station/ Modern Watch Co.






Opened: 1986

Business: Clock and Watch Retail, Shoe Repair and Key Duplication

Address: Shop A1, 4-6 Pok Fu Lam Road

After learning the art of repairing watches for many years, Mr. Cheung opened his own shop in 1986 on Pok Fu Lam Road in Sai Ying Pun. He began by selling and repairing clocks and watches, but after buying a key duplication machine from his friend, he also provided a self-taught key cutting service in the shop. The shop was established for almost thirty years before its contract on Pok Fu Lam Road was discontinued in late 2014, at which time it moved to its current address on First Street. Materials were scarce in the old days, and daily necessities were often repaired again and again. Shoes, clocks or watches that stop

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working, whether old or worn out, can always have a second life when they are in Mr. Cheung’s hands. It is a shame that, as the material living standards increased, old things were no longer as treasured as they used to be. However, Mr. Cheung always found a way to put old things into use. For instance, the workbench and the combination cabinets in the shop were made by his own hand from furniture that was thrown away.

Mr. Cheung often sits silently behind his workbench, repairing watches, but he never forgets to put a few chairs in front of his workbench for elderly residents or clients to sit down and chat.

連結 Links:

上一站/熱帶魚水族 Previous Station/ Tropical Fish Aquarium

下一站/正佳鞋 Next Station/ Very Good Trading Co.

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