西營盤歷史文化徑/ 舊西約公立方便醫局 及 舊贊育醫院

第一站/ 舊西約公立方便醫局 及 舊贊育醫院
The First Station/ Old Western Public Dispensary & Old Tsan Yuk Hospital

舊西約公立方便醫局/ Old Western Public Dispensary/




舊贊育醫院/ Old Tsan Yuk Hospital/

隨著華人對西方醫學的信任程度日益增加,時任華人公立醫局委員會主席曹善允與克寧醫生(Dr. Alice D. Hickling)於1919年在西約公立方便醫局旁的空地建設贊育醫院。醫院於1922年落成,為華籍孕婦提供西醫接生服務。當時西方接生醫術的死亡率較傳統華人接生方法為低,得到華人廣泛接受,故此門口常有大量孕婦排隊就診,而一張床位服務兩位孕婦的情況亦屢見不鮮。


In 1919, with the Chinese developing greater trust in Western medicine, the then President of the Chinese Public Dispensaries and Sanitary Committee, Ts’o Seen Wan, and Dr. Alice  D. Hickling, established Tsan Yuk Hospital on the vacant land next to the Western Public Dispensary.  Completed in 1922, the hospital provided labour and delivery services that were informed by Western medical science.  At that time, the mortality rate caused by the Western delivery method was lower than that caused by traditional Chinese delivery method, and so the Western method became widely accepted among the Chinese.  There were often a lot of pregnant women queuing up outside the hospital, waiting to see a doctor, and due to necessity it was not uncommon for two pregnant women to share one maternity ward.

The plague started to stabilise in the mid-1930s and the Western Public Dispensary underwent a reconstruction.  The ground floor was transformed into a clinic and the first floor became the quarters for the hospital’s nursing staff.  Because the demand for medical services in Tsan Yuk Hospital outweighed supply, the hospital eventually moved to Hospital Road in 1955.  The old cluster of hospital buildings has become what is now the Western District Community Centre.



地址/ 西營盤西邊街36A
Address/ 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun


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下一站/ 第二街公共浴室 Next Station/ the Second Street Public Bathroom

西營盤歷史文化徑/ 醫療與衛生發展  Sai Ying Pun Heritage Trail/ The Development of Medical Services and Public Health

西營盤歷史文化徑首頁 Sai Ying Pun Heritage Trail/ Main Page


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