西營盤歷史文化徑/ 第二街公共浴室

第二站/ 第二街公共浴室

Second Station/ the Second Street Public Bathroom


The plague not only brought about a public dispensary, but also a pink-coloured public bathroom. As a means to reduce the spread of the epidemic after the plague broke out, the colonial government deemed it necessary to improve the hygienic conditions of where the Chinese lived. In 1904, the government started to build public bathrooms in Central and Western district, and one of these was located on Second Street. This particular public bathroom was rebuilt in 1922, with the old interior design preserved. The design puts functionality first and privacy second, so one has to lay their cards on the table, as it were, when taking a shower with other facility users. The public bathroom is still open to this day. It only supplies hot water from November to May, so one has to endure a cold shower in other seasons.


地址/ 西營盤第二街及西邊街交界

Address/ Intersection of Second Street and Western Street, Sai Ying Pun


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西營盤歷史文化徑/ 醫療及衛生發展 Sai Ying Pun Heritage Trail – The Development of Medical Services and Public Health

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