巷里傳承 營造西營盤x利民生活計劃-西營盤利民生活展 (2015年9月-10月)
專題展覽, 最新活動

古蹟 x 社區 x生活 x想像
Heritage x Community x Life x Imagination

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2015 年是CACHe在西營盤的第十年,在這個社區新舊交替之際,我們策劃《西營盤利民生活展》,希望能藉此打開大家對社區和生活的想像,參與單位包括都市農夫、灣仔的街坊、設計師、藝術家及社區工作者,透過他們的作品和故事,分享他們對社區生活的想像及實踐經驗,並鼓勵大家著手創造並保護所住社區內的利民生活條件,踏出第一步,為建立更緊密互動及堅韌的社區而努力。


藝術家 – 劉學成先生
設計師 – 朱耀煒先生
產品設計團隊 – KaCaMa Design Lab
灣仔街坊酒莊 – 曾潔華女士
城市農夫 – Edible HK, Very MK & HK Farm


日期: 2015年9月12日 (星期六)
時間: 下午三時
地點: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 (西營盤西邊街36A西區社區中心 後座)


日期: 2015年9月12日 至 2015年10月31日
開放時間: 逢星期二至六 上午十時至下午六時 (星期日、一及公眾假期休息)

關於我們 /

Broadening your imagination of life and discovering possibilities of a new life in the old community.

We believe that a fine community should be historic, sustainable, interactive, autonomous, self-conscious and diverse.

It takes years to cumulate past experiences in order to create and maintain the necessary qualities of Layman Life. Yet, in a society which bureaucracy and managerialism predominate, even century-old trees could be torn down without reasons. Layman Life qualities are nothing we should take for granted

This year of 2015 is CACHe’s 10th anniversary at Sai Ying Pun. We launch ” Sai Ying Pun Layman Life Exhibition” at this transition from old to new. We have invited city farmers, Wan Chai inhabitants, artists and community workers to participate in the “Sai Ying Pun Layman Life Exhibition”, wishing to open up your imaginations of the community and the life within. We encourage you to take the first step to create and preserve Layman Life qualities and join hands in building a more interactive and strong community.

Art & Design/
Artist – Lau Hok-shing, Hanison
Designer- Chu Yiu-wai, Price
Produce Design- KaCaMa Design Lab
Wan Chai Kai Fong Chateau- Tsang Kit-wah
City Famers – Edible HK, Very MK & HK Farm

Opening Information/
Date: 12-9-2015 (Saturday)
Time: 3:00 p.m
Venue : The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun)

Exhibition Information/
Duration: 12-9-2015 to 31-10-2015
Opening Hours : 10am-6pm, Tuesdays to Saturdays ( Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Public Holiday)

About CACHe /

Established in 2005, CACHe is committed to organizing different heritage conservation activities. Its mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realization of their social identities.

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