深井潮僑街坊盂蘭勝會 Sham Tseng Chiu Kiu Kai Fong Yu Laan Community


創立歷史: 1985年

地址: 深井新村大街十三號


/ Sham Tseng Chiu Kiu Kai Fong Yu Laan Community

Timeline: Since 1985

Address:  13 Sham Tseng Village Street, Sham Tseng

In the early postwar period, San Miguel Brewery Hong Kong Ltd set up factory in Sham Tseng. A lot of people from Chiu Chau settled in the area at that time. Many of them were workers at the Brewery factory. Every July of the lunar calendar, the Chiu Chau community in different parts of Hong Kong would follow their customs of Yu Lan Festival. Mr. Chow Chen Yu, manager of the brewery factory received support from the director of San Miguel to organize the annual event in Sham Tseng. In the beginning, they held rituals in the San Miguel staff quarter. Later, more and more Chiu Chau people from Sham Tseng village joined in, so they moved the location to the junction of the village. In 1967, the Sham Tseng Chiu Kiu Kai Fong Welfare Organization received a 1,600 square feet tenant venue from Mr. Warner (Verification needed for translation). In 1985, the site was donated to the welfare organization and it was renamed as the Sham Tseng Chiu Kiu Kai Fong Yu Laan Community. The Sham Tseng Chiu Kiu Kai Fong Yu Laan Community was rebuilt onsite in 2009. It began to revitalize traditional Chiu Chau puppet show performance and carry on to spreading the traditional culture of the Chiu Shan County.




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