尋找城市歷史痕跡4 -電車歷史圖片展 In search of the City’s Historical Trace IV – Old Tram Photo Exhibition
CACHe website English Version, 專題展覽, 最新活動



In 1904, trams came into service in connecting the West and East of Hong Kong Island. Being the fastest road transport in early days, the running tramcars helped to unlock the era of the city’s growth along its track. Having served the city for over a century, the tramcars, despite its speed now being outdistanced by other modes of transport, are still up and running along the roads of Hong Kong. In this city where efficiency and economic development is prioritized, the slow-paced trams seem out of tune with the bustle and hustle of the city.

Yet, with the rising social awareness of local cultural heritage conservation in recent years, the slowness of these trams fortuitously gives us the chance to appreciate the historical fragments of the city. While the cityscape of Hong Kong is undergoing rapid transformation under the rail-oriented development, tramcars and tramway tracks remained to witness and capture the city’s growth path all along the way

By looking at the old tram photos, you are able to revisit the historical development of Hong Kong. The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) is honoured to invite Mr Alan Cheung, an experienced collector of Hong Kong historical photos, in joining hands to exhibit a collection of old tram photos which display the city’s vanished landscape and the cultural patterns of old Hong Kong.

Let’s wander in the seas of old photos and take a closer look at the transitions of the trams and our city over the past 111 years, and to discover the part of Hong Kong history which was abandoned alongside the city’s rapid development.



展覽地點: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 香港西營盤西邊街36A後座

Exhibition Venue: CACHe @ Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun

展覽開幕: 2015年3月14日15:00

Exhibition Opening: 15:00, 14 March 2015

展覽日期: 2015年3月14日 至 5月2日

Date: 14 March 2015 to 2 May 2015

展覽時間: 星期二至六 上午十時至下午一時;下午二時至下午六時


Opening Hours:       Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm

Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Public Holidays



開幕講座- 電車歷史圖片講座/




日期:2015年3月14日 (星期六)

時間:15:30 -16:30


名額:40人 (座位有限,先到先得)




賽馬會社區資助計劃 -社區文化遺產保育計劃 /

Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant  – Community Heritage Conservation Project /

This project is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and organized by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. The project includes a series of programmes to promote heritage conservation. It aims to strengthen public understanding on our history and community cultural heritage, so that every stakeholder can enjoy and involve in conservation activities that enhance local identity and community cohesion.


關於我們 /

About CACHe /

Established in 2005, CACHe is committed to organizing different heritage conservation activities. Its mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realization of their social identities.

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