New Name for Our Organisation: Hong Kong Resource Centre for Heritage
傳媒報導, 最新消息

We are excited to announce that, starting from 21 November 2023, our organisation has
changed its name from “The Conservancy Association Resource Centre for Heritage” to
“Hong Kong Resource Centre for Heritage香港文化古蹟資源中心”.

We were founded in 2005, at a time when the concept of “cultural heritage” was gaining
momentum in Hong Kong. We witnessed many events and initiatives that safeguarded and
celebrated our city’s diverse and rich heritage, such as the preservation of Lee Tung Street,
the Star and Queen’s Piers, the Blue House cluster, and the “Conserving Central” project.
Over the past two decades, we have grown and evolved along with our city. We have seen
more government and private sector involvement in promoting and protecting cultural
heritage, such as the creation of the Commissioner for Heritage’s Office and the Intangible
Cultural Heritage Office, the revitalisation of the Central Market, and the Mills and the
conservation of the State Theatre.

Our new name reflects our vision and expertise. By adopting the new name of “Hong Kong
Resource Centre for Heritage”, we aim to better express our role and mission, and to better
serve our city in times of rapid changes. We are committed to conserving and promoting
both tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and to providing resources and support for
heritage-related activities and education.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our visionary founder the late Dr Chan
Wai-kwan, founding chairman Ir Albert LAI and other funding directors, our former
chairmen, Chan Chit-kwai JP and Dr Hung Wing-tat, and our associated organisation, the
Conservancy Association, especially its four representatives on our Board of Directors.
Although we are no longer affiliated, we cherish the strong relationship we have built over
the years, and we look forward to future collaborations.

Dr Chloe Lai

Hong Kong Resource Centre for Heritage

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