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排燈節(屠妖節),(Diwali, Festival of Lights)是印度教中最重要的節慶,慶祝活動一般會維持五天。每年的排燈節日子按照印度國定曆法來定,對應西曆大約是十月中旬或11月上旬。在香港,印度教信徒一般會在跑馬地印度廟或家中繪製地畫(Rangoli)、慶祝及祈禱。






Diwali, Festival of Lights was inscribed onto…

.The Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of Hong Kong


Social practices, rituals and festive events

Intel brief

Diwali (Festival of Lights) is the most important festival for Hinduism. The date for Diwali is determined by the Hindu Calendar, roughly equivalent to the mid-October or the early November in the Gregorian Calendar. Diwali is celebrated by whole of India and lasting five days in general. In Hong Kong, Hindus will draw Rangoli, celebrate and pray at the Hindu Temple at Happy Valley or at home.

The origin of Diwali has many versions. The most prevailing story is related to Ramayana, the Indian epic. In the legend, Prince Rama was being framed and exiled. He went on an adventure along with his wife and younger brother for 14 years. He entered and lived in the jungle. In the course, he faced thrilling challenges. With the help from the gods, he managed to defeat the great evil and returned to his country. The citizens light clay lamps (Diyas) to celebrate the return of the king and light overcoming darkness.

ICH tracking

Region: No specific region. No specific region. Can pay particular attention to The Hindu Temple, Happy Valley, Wan Chai District.

Occasion: About Mid-October or Early November.


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