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Holi, Festival of Colours was inscribed onto…

.The Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of Hong Kong


Social practices, rituals and festive events

Intel brief

Holi is a Hindu festival. The account of its origin varies, yet it mainly was dominated by two myths. The first legend has it that prince Prahlāda, a devotee of Vishnu – the Hindu protector of good – defeated the demoness Holika in the fire. The second story was about how the handsome deity Krishna became a couple with the milkmaid Radha, by the playing a little joke by coloured dye.

The festival is held by the end of winter, thus people celebrate the return of spring as well as all goodness to earth. At the night before Holi, believers bring together items, such as woods and spices, and burn them in bonfire to symbolise the good defeated the evil. On the very day of Holi, people would throw colour powder or water to each other, with the aspiration of the world shall soon be as colourful as spring returns. What a joyful occasion! At night, believers would change into their best outfit and send good wishes by visiting each other. Therefore, Holi is a time for celebration for all, which also helps bring the society together with peace and harmony.

ICH tracking

Region: No specific region. Can pay particular attention to The Hindu Temple, Happy Valley, Wan Chai District.

Occasion: About Late-February or March.


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