非遺情報 ICH Intel












Spring and Autumn Ancestral Worship of Clans was inscribed onto…

.The Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of Hong Kong
.The Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hong Kong


Social practices, rituals and festive events

Intel brief

Every 4th lunar month, vernal equinox or Ching Ming Festival, as well as every 9th lunar month, autumnal equinox or Chung Yeung Festival, are all days for ancestral worship. Clans such as the Tangs, Mans and Lius in the New Territories and the Lams of Chuk Yuen in Kowloon, will hold ancestral worshipping ceremony in their ancestral halls or visit the graves of their forefathers so as to observe filial piety and to pay tribute to their ancestors.

In an ancestral worship ritual, the clan members will use Wai Tau or Hakka dialect to read the oration and play the suona. The clansmen will, in the order of their seniority, worship their ancestors by offering incense sticks, wine and sacrifices including roasted pork, rice and wine. The descendants will also receive ‘pork money’ (money distributed by the clan). These complicated rituals are all there to show respects of the offspring to their ancestors. Some of the clans still follow the custom of ‘Sek Shan Tou’ (Eating on the Hillside). They will bring along the cookware and a whole uncooked pig to prepare punchoi (basin feast) for the clan members by the grave, signifying the sharing of blessings of ancestors.

ICH tracking

Region: No specific region. Especially in the New Territories.

Occasion: Every 4th lunar month, vernal equinox or Ching Ming Festival, and every 9th lunar month, autumnal equinox or Chung Yeung Festival.


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