免費索取《村梭六鄉:後遷徙的生活紀錄》 Free Distribution: Travelling Through Luk Heung: A Recount of the Post-Relocation Living
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承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe)展開「『村梭』社區文化遺產計劃 」。CACHe穿梭於六鄉新村及大埔,將豐富的口述歷史及文獻資料整理,輯錄成書。是次書籍為一套兩冊,一冊是文章形式,梳理了大量舊照片、檔案和口述歷史,以六鄉簡史概略和文化空間剖析,及村民故事兩部份呈現六鄉的生活點滴;另一冊是舊相集,以珍貴的照片呈現六鄉和大埔的舊時風光。本書以全彩印刷,中英對照,配以珍貴歷史圖片,歡迎公眾免費索取,細嚐六鄉村民的生活紀錄。數量有限,派完即止。

The story of Luk Heung San Tsuen begins with relocation.

The villagers of Luk Heung San Tsuen, originally from six Hakka villages scattered around the coast of Plover Cove, moved to Tai Po as a result of the construction of the Plover Cove Reservoir. The six Hakka villages were brought together by the development of Hong Kong’s water affairs. Since then their fates have been intertwined, experiencing together the long negotiation process, the pain of leaving their homeland, the anxieties and excitements about the new life, adapting to the urbanised life ‘upstairs’, and now the difficulties and challenges of population loss, lack of successor, urban development and historical heritage.

Yet, the story of Luk Heung does not stop here. Through the narrative of villagers, we hope that our readers will realise that the inconspicuous building next door may be one of those neglected fragments related to the history of Hong Kong, to the urban development, even to Hong Kong’s urban-rural development, that is worthy of attention, regardless of where one comes from.

With the support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, CACHe launched The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: ‘Beyond the Village’ Cultural Heritage Scheme.  Our team has travelled through Luk Heung San Tsuen and Tai Po. Through consolidating the oral history records and research findings, we published Travelling Through Luk Heung: A Recount of the Post-Relocation Living. This set of book consists of two volumes, one of which is a compilation of texts revolving around the daily life in Luk Heung, divided into two parts: The first part includes a brief history of Luk Heung and an analysis of its cultural spaces, while the second part is made up of the stories of the villagers, complemented by old photographs, archival materials and oral histories. The other volume is a collection of rare old photographs, illustrating Luk Heung and Tai Po of olden times. Printed in full colour with valuable historical images, this bilingual book telling the stories of Luk Heung and Tai Po can be obtained free of charge while quantities last.

/ 內容一覽/


  • 第一章、六鄉今昔
  • 第二章、六鄉新村的空間


  • 當年的村落印象
  • 跨越五十年的守護者
  • 別了六鄉
  • 絕無僅有的「城中祠堂」
  • 他們都是這樣長大的
  • 新社區的六鄉人
  • 來自六鄉的兩代女性
  • 凝聚六鄉人的麒麟隊
  • 連繫社區的六鄉學習園地


/ Content/

Knowing Luk Heung

  • Chapter I: Luk Heung Then and Now
  • Chapter II: The Spatial Design of Luk Heung San Tsuen

Stories of Luk Heung

  • The Impression of the Old Village
  • The Guardians beyond Half a Century
  • So Long, See You
  • The One and Only City-bound Ancestral Hall
  • How They were Brought Up
  • Same People, New Community
  • Village Ladies from Two Generations
  • The Qilin Team that Connects All
  • A Space to Learn, a Dimension to Connect

Chronology of Major Events in Luk Heung and Tai Po
Extra: Luk Heung and Tai Po Memories

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/免費索取 Free Distribution/


The book can be obtained in person at The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe).
It can also be obtained at Luk Heung Campus. Please note that applicants are advised to phone-in before visit to confirm availability and the up-to-date staffed hours.
One book per person is available on a first come, first served basis.

大埔六鄉學習園地 Luk Heung Campus
地址 Address:大埔寶湖道六鄉學習園地 Luk Heung Campus, Plover Cove Road, Tai Po
中心電話 Phone︰ 35869842

 /香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 —『村梭』社區文化遺產計劃 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: ‘Beyond the Village’ Cultural Heritage Scheme/


The Scheme is organised by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.  The village is the key to studying the history of Hong Kong. It is also the root of different community cultures. As a place that contains villagers’ collective memory, village schools play a significant role in cultural heritage. Starting from village schools and the rural culture, the Scheme will dig deep into villages and their communities. Through various activities including rural culture days, special exhibitions, and training of cultural ambassadors, the Scheme serves to enhance the general public’s understanding of local villages and village schools, and to facilitate urban-rural integration. The Scheme also endeavours to encourage public participation. By engaging all stakeholders of the society in preserving rural history and village school culture, the Scheme enables village folklore to be passed on and strengthens social cohesion.

/長春社文化古蹟資源中心 The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe)/


Established in 2005, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) is committed to organising different heritage conservation activities. Our mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realisation of their social identities.

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電話 Tel : 2291 0238
電郵 Email: info@cache.org.hk

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