西營盤利民生活展 – 西營盤天台農場

西營盤天台農場 Sai Ying Pun Rooftop Farm

by 西營盤街坊、Edible HK、HK Farm Very MK、HK Farm










Tong Lau buildings make the urban symbol of diversity. The building’s ground shops, upstairs units and the spacious rooftop are all interrelated as a whole. As Tong Lau buildings have their shops facing the street, the abundance of Tong Lau buildings makes a vibrant street life in Sai Ying Pun.


Tong Lau Buildings’ rooftop is known to be spacious and of high functional value with abundant sunlight. Residents like to hang clothes and even have BBQ parties on the rooftop space. So the question pops in our mind – Can we better utilize the rooftop space so that more green space can be provided in Sai Ying Pun?


Therefore, we have joined hands with neighbours and old shops in Sai Ying Pun, urban farmers from Mong Kong and Yau Ma Tei and together make a rooftop farm on a Tong Lau building’s vacant roof. We find soil from the North East New Territories, collect food waste for composting from old shops in Sai Ying Pun and make our own wooden planter boxes. During the process, we gather neighbours in helping to manage the farm together and establish the community-based organic farming system.


手造種植盤製作 The Making of Self-made Planter Box


造法一: Method I:


材料 Materials:

  • 紅酒箱          1個              Red Wine Box       x1 Each
  • 輪                                 4個              Reel                              x4 Each
  • 螺絲                      16粒   Screws                          x16 Each
  • 木方                      4條              Flitch                            x4 Slices
  • 力架                      1罐             Lacquer                x1 Can


步驟一 Procedure 1:

  1. 將木方鋸成紅酒箱的闊度,并用螺絲固定在紅酒箱兩邊底部

Cut the flitch in the width of wine box. Fix the flitch to the box base with screws

  1. 在木方兩端裝上輪

Install reels on the two ends of the flitch

  1. 在紅酒箱底鑽數個去水孔

Drill a few drain holes underneath the wine box

  1. 完成後於紅酒箱外層塗上光油會更耐用

Polish the wine box’s surface with lacquer for better resistant quality


造法二: Method 2:


材料 Materials:

  • 木板                      4塊              Planks                     x 4 Pieces
  • 輪                          4個              Reel                         x 4 Each
  • 螺絲                      16粒            Screws                     x 16   Each
  • 釘                          12粒            Nail                          x 12 Each
  • 釘槍                      1把              Nailer                      x 1 Each
  • 木方                      4塊              Flitch                      x 4 Pieces
  • 網格布                  1塊              Plastic Mesh          x 1 Piece
  • 鐵絲網*              1塊              Wire Mesh             x 1 Piece


步驟二 Procedure 2:

  1. 將木板崁成箱,並用螺絲及白膠漿將木箱四邊固定。建議每邊用三口螺絲。Make a box with the planks. Advised to fix it with 3 screws and white glue on each of the four edges
  2. 在每個內角以螺絲裝上木方以鞏固結構

Strengthen the structure by fixing a flitch on each of the inside edges with screws

  1. 箱框架做好後,以釘槍把網格布固定在箱低

Use staple gun to fix the plastic mesh underneath the box base

  1. 鐵絲網平鋪在箱底上,四周用釘子固定

Spread the wire mesh on the box bottom with nails fixed on four sides

  1. 在箱底以螺絲安裝滑輪

Install reels underneath the box with screws

  1. 之後往箱內填入土壤,種下植物。

Fill soil in the box and plant your favourite green!



For bigger plants, add in extra wire mesh


關於  About



Edible Hong Kong

成立於2015年,是一個香港註冊非牟利機構,以推廣城市農業為宗旨。Edible Hong Kong的成員來自廣泛背景,有社工、藝術家、文化人、教育者,也有來自金融會計、政策研究及建築業的成員。Edible Hong Kong 實踐永續農業,嘗試克服城市空間的限制,透過技術在市區裡進行種植。Edible Hong Kong 擁有豐富的國際及本地農業網絡,從全然不同的角度看待城市農業。我們提供專業的顧問服務,為城市建設「食得的」綠化環境。並以出版,教育,公眾導賞等公眾參與,鼓勵我城種植食物,反思本土農業與城市自給的關係。從泥土到餐桌,從未如此接近過。


Edible Hong Kong is a non-profit organization in Hong Kong. Our mission is to promote urban farming. We come from a wide spectrum of professions such as social workers, artists, educators, policy researchers, bankers and architects. We attempt to overcome various limitations to urban farming and experiment planting techniques through permaculture practices. Edible Hong Kong envisions urban farming from the innovative prospect with our rich network both international and local. We provide professional consultation services and build edible landscapes for the city. We also reflect on urban-rural relationships through active community engagements including publications, workshops and guided tours. A new form of life is brought to you with the connection from the soil to the dining table.


聯絡 Contact

Email: ediblehk@gmail.com



HK Farm

成立於2012年4月,HK Farm 是一個由本地農夫、藝術創作者及設計師所組成的團體。我們與社區及團體在都市環境下共同推行城市農耕及本地出産有機食品的重要性。


HK Farm is an organisation of Hong Kong farmers, artists and designers founded in April 2012. Working in the city, we collaborate with communities and organisations to highlight the importance of urban agriculture and locally produced organic food.


聯絡 Contact

Email: hello@hkfarm.org


Very MK

Very MK是一個位於旺角的天台農場,於2012年被市區重建局宣佈重建。VeryMK以其獨特的身位探索,展示城市空間的多樣性。在繁華鬧市中以食物、泥土、微生物連結在地農夫、社區、以及MK仔,為城市人創造浮城異域,一個位於唐樓六樓後座的綠色島嶼。VeryMK以永續設計(Permaculture)理念運作天台農場,以連結社區,在地農場及城市人為主要發展方向,自成立開始,過去兩年曾舉辦多個導賞團,工作坊及藝術展覽,更被傳媒廣泛報導,漸漸受到公眾關注,以滕蔓之姿燦爛地迎向公眾!


Very MK is a rooftop farm in Mong Kok. Located on a building that is scheduled to be redeveloped by URA (Urban Renewal Authority) since 2012, Very MK is an initiative to create a queer space – a portal between the heart of the city and farmlands at the periphery.


聯絡 Contact

Email: verymkfarm@gmail.com

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