西營盤利民生活展 – 學成貳號-拖船仔講故仔 Hok Shing Yee Ho – Story Telling Boat

學成貳號-拖船仔講故仔 Hok Shing Yee Ho – Story Telling Boat

by 劉學成 Lau Hok Shing








Sai Ying Pun was once a hilly old district situated by the coast. Shops located near the seaside mostly ran fishery-related businesses. The area was best known for Salted Fish Lane which mainly dealt with salted fish trading. It was one of the main characters of Sai Wan’s townscape.


As a result of rapid development of Hong Kong, people’s living standard raised and their eating habits changed correspondingly. The salted fish industry started to decline as well in recent years. In order to inherit and raise public awareness of this traditional industry, I tried to input new elements in an artistic way. I collected some cardboards from Centre Street and used them to make some stools and a 1:1 boat together with some neighbours in Salted Fish Lane. We then marched the boat along the tramway from Salted Fish Lane all the way to Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park.


I chose to walk this route because the tramway was originally the coastline packed with piers where fishing boats off-loaded their catches, and the Park was indeed the ocean before land reclamation. My idea was to lead the boat back to the ocean and to restore the past in another time and space.


Besides reminiscing the old townscape of this fishing port, I hope people would rethink about the transformation caused by urban development and the relation between such development and the living space we share. We eventually settled the boat on the lawn in Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, set up stools around and invited neighbours to sit down and share stories about the past, present and future of Sai Ying Pun.

學成貳號製作The Making of “Hok Shing Yee Ho”


材料 Materials:


  • 紙皮 12塊 Cardboard x 12 each
  • 索帶 2包 Cable Tie x 2 packs
  • 剪刀 1把 Scissors x 1 pair



步驟 Procedure:

  1. 把紙皮平放在地面,排列成船底的形狀

Place the cardboards flat on the ground and arrange them into a boat’s shape.

  1. 在紙皮的邊界打穿小洞,然後用索帶綁實兩邊的紙皮

Punch a hole on the edge of the cardboards, and fasten the cardboards together with cable tie

  1. 將紙皮兩旁摺起,用索帶綁緊成船邊

After the cardboards are tied into the shape of a boat, fold up the two sides with cable tie to resemble the ship sides

  1. 將一塊長紙皮屈曲成拱形,把頭尾兩邊綁在船邊,成為船篷

Bend a long piece of cardboard into an arch, tie its ends to the sides of the boat to make a ship roof

  1. 可額外將紙皮綁在船篷的基部,以鞏固結構

It is advised to fix extra cardboards to the foundation of the ship roof for strengthening purpose

  1. 將紙皮對摺成90度角,綁在船頭位置

Bend a cardboard 90 degrees and tie it to the bow of the ship

  1. 在船頭打穿兩個小洞,綁上長繩來拖曳船隻

Punch two holes on the ship bow for tying a dragging rope


關於 About


劉學成 Lau Hok-shing, Hanison

2005年取得澳洲皇家墨爾本大學藝術學士學位,2007年完成該校的藝術碩士學位。自2003年起,劉氏積極參與多個本地聯展;2006及2008年曾於香港舉辦「規律 - 劉學成個人行動」,「詩前想後」,「乞泉齋內的水動山靈」,「測不準定理」及「向你好說你好」等多次個人展覽。2007年被選為香港藝術推廣辦事署「藝遊鄰里計劃」的推介藝術家之一, 2008年於美國波特蘭參與駐場藝術創作,2010至2014年次多於韓國參與藝術家進駐計劃。2011於中國天津舉辦「求不得」混合媒体作品個人展覽。曾於2004及2005年兩度入選「夏利豪基金會藝術比賽」。作品為中國、美國、法國、澳洲、韓國及香港等地的私人收藏家及公共機構收藏。


Hanison Lau uses sculptural form to present his ideas; his 3-dimensional pieces speak some of his personal stories, presenting different visual elements with ready-made materials. He usually employs history and literature, especially adapted from Chinese culture as referential languages and properties to appropriate his works. He used sculpture and drawing to represent the poetic elements vested in contemporary visual art form, and his works demonstrate a strong record of personal action.


Lau has now canadian pharmacy been working as an independent artist and Lecturer at Hong kong Baptist University. He received a bachelor degree of arts (Fine Art) from the RMIT University in 2005 and received a master Degree in Fine art at RMIT in 2007.He was selected one of the highlighted artists by the Hong Kong Art Promotion Office for its “Artists in Neighbourhood scheme II 2008”. He took part in the Artist-in-residence project in Portland, USA in 2008 and South Korea in 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014.In the last few years, he has been exhibiting his works extensively in USA, Australia, South Korea, mainland China and Hong Kong. Various local and his work has been collected locally and internationally.


聯絡 Contact

Email: lauhokshinghanison@gmail.com


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