西營盤利民生活展 – 自家釀製橙酒及橙皮糖

自家釀製橙酒及橙皮糖 by 阿華@灣仔街坊酒莊

Self-made Orange Wine and Orange Confit by Wah@Wan Chai Kai Fong Chateau










For any fruit that is partly rotten or tastes rather bland, don’t throw it away! Despite its unappealing appearance, it possesses therapeutic qualities and rich flavour after it is fermented into fruit wine. Ar Wah, grown up in a family of making own fruit wine, used to heal bruises with alcohol made with snakes, mice and bamboo bees. Now, Ar Wah takes up the role as the continuator in passing on this traditional medical wisdom to the young generations and the neighbours by organising workshops in Wan Chai Blue House and collecting fruits with participants from fruit shops and temples in the district.


Making fruit wine reflects not only the traditional medical wisdom, but also the linkage between food source and production. The whole wine making process, from picking seasonal fruit, cleansing fruit peel and slicing it into pieces, to adjusting the portions of rice wine, fruit and cane sugar, prompts the wine makers to raise concerns about food: where does the food originate that is going to be put in the mouth? Does the process of cultivation and transport guarantee food safety and environmental friendliness? Searching for the answers, Ar Wah and members from Wan Chai Kai Fong Chateau once set foot in the News Territories where they cultivated and collected the dragon eye fruit and bilberries, fermenting them into 100% local made fruit wines.


Look back into Sai Ying Pun. How can we utilize our community resources, and find our way to making our own health fruit wine? Abundant sources can be found such as fruits shops on the street, fruit trees planted on Tong Lau buildings’ roottop, tao houses and temples hidden in the Tong Lau buildings and lanes.


Take this chance, follow Ar Wah around streets and lanes, and see how we can draw useful resources from the community and make them into the healthy fruit wine and fruit confit!


關於 About


曾潔華 (阿華)@灣仔街坊酒莊

Tsang Kit-wah (Ar Wah)@Wan Chai Kai Fong Chateau






More than an ordinary housewife, Ar Wah is a mentor in fruit wine making and a living dictionary in food therapy. Under great influence of her mother, Ar Wah is very good at cooking and always creating new recipes with different ingredients. Ar Wah exhibits her enthusiasm in cooking by continuously seeking culinary advices and trying out different experiments. Therefore, Ar Wah is more than an expert in Chinese soup and fruit wine making. She also knows very well the functions and combination of different ingredients.


To Ar Wah, the relationship between the nature and dining is far more important than the taste itself. She supports organic farming and seasonal dining. Through sharing the knowledge of wine making, she hopes to continue her mother’s role in passing on this traditional wisdom, promote local organic farming and call on the reflection on the relationship between climate change and food production.

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