第二街公共浴室 Second Street Public Bathhouse


這幢公共浴室擁有嬌俏的粉色外牆,在街上尤其突出。原來浴室與 1894 年香港爆發鼠疫的歷史息息相關, 當時港府計劃改善西營盤區的衞生,以遏止鼠疫傳播,便將現址一幢木唐樓改建成臨時浴室。浴室在 1925 年重 建後成為永久浴室並沿用至今,是香港現存唯一一個戰前落成的公共浴室。 浴室內仍保留昔日面貌,間隔以功能為首、私隱為次,隔板只有 145 厘米高,沐浴時難免會與其他人「坦誠 相見」。浴室頂部還保留了曾用作燒煮熱水排氣的煙囪,在每年十一月至四月供應熱水,可算是「季節限定」, 其他季節就要用冷水洗澡了。


CACHe · 001C


User 796399024 · 001M

Grading: Grade 2

This public bathhouse has a delicate pink facade that makes it stand out from its surroundings. The construction of the bathhouse was linked to the outbreak of the bubonic plague in Hong Kong in 1894. To improve the sanitary condition of Sai Ying Pun and contain the spread of the plague, the Hong Kong government converted a wooden tenement building into a temporary bathhouse. In 1925, the bathhouse was rebuilt into a permanent facility and has been used by the public till date. It is currently the only remaining public bathhouse in Hong Kong that was built in the pre-war period. Much of the interior of the bathhouse has been preserved to its original state. The design emphasises function over privacy. Each partition is only 145 centimetres tall, making it unavoidable for users to be viewed by others. The chimney on the roof, which was used to emit steam from the boiler, has been kept to allow ‘seasonal’ supply of hot water between November and April every year. In the other months of the year, only cold water is supplied.

CACHe · 001E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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