風波裡的香港 – 香港颱風歷史圖片展 Hong Kong in the Storm – Hong Kong Typhoon Historical Photo Exhibition
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Hong Kong has experienced the rage of typhoons at various scales, which caused numerous deaths and extensive destruction to the city. Having been a fishing village and trading port, Hong Kong suffered severe economic damage by every typhoon which came to destroy the livings of fishermen and traders. One of the heaviest storms is regarded as “1874 Typhoon” that hit a heavy blow to Hong Kong’s economy and killed over 2,000 people. The typhoon’s storm surge blanketed the coastal areas, brought down houses and overwhelmed warehouses with floodwater.  Countless ocean-going vessels and fishing boats were also sunken. In view of the considerable damage caused by typhoons, the colonial government realized the significance of early typhoon warning system. Therefore, the Hong Kong Observatory was established to carry out precautions for forthcoming typhoons. Since then, the government has been evaluating the precautionary mechanism after each typhoon happens, and advancing the urban design in order to effectively fight against the roaring gales.

Rapid urbanization of Hong Kong breaks apart our living and the nature.  Compared with the previous generation, little attention has been paid to the consequences of natural disasters nowadays. Joining hands with Mr Shun Chi-ming, Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, as well as a line-up of photo collectors, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage will showcase a wide array of historical photos and invaluable collectibles that documents the history of Typhoons in Kong Kong, and inspires the public to reflect on the present relationship between city living and natural disasters.

日期: 2014年3月8日至4月17日

Date: 8/3 – 17/4/2014

展覽地點: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 香港西營盤西邊街36A後座

Venue: CACHe @ Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun


Opening Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 1pm, 2pm – 6pm, closed on Sundays, Monday and Public Holidays



Embracing Heritage – Jockey Club Community Cultural Heritage Programme

This project is supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage is organizing a series of programmes to promote heritage conservation. This project aims to strengthen public understanding on our history and our community cultural heritage, so that every stakeholder can enjoy and involve in conservation activities that enhance local identity and community cohesion.




 The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage

The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage started service in 2005, dedicated to promote conservation of cultural heritage and to pass on traditions through education. In 2007, the center has received support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to organize a number of educational and community involvement activities, hoping to encourage public participation in cultural conservation work.


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