《祭.春秋》展覽 ‘Ancestral Worship – Spring and Autumn’ Exhibition
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Whenever it comes to Chung-yang or Ching-ming festival, you may find grave sweepers flocking to the hills of Hong Kong. The habit of venerating the ancestors could be seen across various cultures. As the era moved on and cultures developed, the ways of connecting the living with the ancestors would change accordingly.

Several centuries ago, the predecessors of these clans migrated southwards from the Mainland and brought with them the ancestral worshipping culture to nowadays Hong Kong. The tradition of worshipping ancestors does not emerge from nowhere: The ancient people, on one hand, inherited the ancient religion and thus believed in the ancestor’s power over their descendants, while they, on the other hand, held monumental worshipping ceremonies before the spring ploughing and after the autumn harvesting in line with their agricultural habits, in order to pray for prosperity and blessing from the deities and forefathers. The culture of ancestral worship has experienced drastic changes throughout different eras, but the clansmen still try their very best in inheriting this intangible cultural heritage in urban Hong Kong. Whether it is on the vast plain in the New Territories or in the bustling city in Kowloon, you can easily see their efforts in attempting the inheritance.

Indebted to the sponsorship from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Funding Scheme, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) proudly presents the ‘Ancestral Worship – Sprint and Autumn’ exhibition. The exhibition is held in three sites situated in both the town and the rural area, each focuses on a specific lineage – the TANGs with many of their members still inhabiting the New Territories, the LAMs who regard Tin Hau, the Goddess of the Sea, as their forebear and the KWOKs who has migrated to Hong Kong from Chiu Chow many years ago. You are cordially invited to visit all of the exhibition sites and to learn of the rich and diverse culture of ancestral worship as well as exploring their development and dissemination.


Exhibition Venue | Yau Kung School, Yuen Long
Date | 22 May to 5 June
Opening Hours | 11 am to 1 pm; 2 pm to 5 pm (Entry to the exhibition will be closed 30 minutes before the closing time.)
Address | Ha Tsuen, Yuen Long


Exhibition Venue | The School, Yaumatei
Date | 29 May to 5 June
Opening Hours | 9 am to 1 pm; 2 pm to 5 pm (Entry to the exhibition will be closed 30 minutes before the closing time.)
Address | In Tin Hau Temple Complex, Yau Ma Tei


Exhibition Venue | Kwok Fan Yeung Virtue-Promoting Association Hong Kong
Date | 1 June to 8 June
Opening Hours | 11 am to 1pm ; 2 pm to 4 pm (Entry to the exhibition will be closed 30 minutes before the closing time.)
Address | Room A&B, 8/F, Kam Fai Commercial Building, 51-55 Sa Po Road, Kowloon City

報名方法 /



Exhibition Enrollment /

Yau Kung School, Yuen Long & The School, Yaumatei |Reservation is not required. Visits could be made after registering on site.
Kwok Fan Yeung Virtue-Promoting Association Hong Kong|There will be four sessions for free visit, 60 mins each. To enroll online, please click here. Visitors must show their confirmation email received as they enter the venue.

 * The number of visitors in all venues will be restricted. All visitors are requested to wear masks, undergo a body temperature check and use an alcohol-based handrub before admission. Those with fever or flu-like symptoms will not be allowed to enter the exhibition.

非遺尋源.香港祭祖文化推廣計劃 /


About Searching for the Past, Ancestral Worship in Hong Kong Promotion Scheme/

The Scheme is funded by the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Funding Scheme under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and hosted by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe). The theme of the Scheme is based on the Spring and Autumn Ancestral Worship of Clans, as one of the items on the Representative List of the ICH of Hong Kong. It aims to connect the youth and the cultural bearers in order to reinforce the next generation’s ability to safeguard and recreate the ritual. As the cultural significance of the traditions are being reiterated in a new way, CACHe encourages all the public to explore and appreciate this lesser-known treasure.

關於我們 /


About Us /
Established in 2005, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) is committed to organising different heritage conservation activities. Our mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realisation of their social identities.

查詢方法 For enquiries/
電話 Tel:2291 0238
電郵 Email:info@cache.org.hk


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