《村梭茶果嶺:與都市共生的石山村落》展覽 Travelling through Cha Kwo Ling: The Quarry Village Entwined with the City
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故事從茶果嶺連綿的礦山展開 —— 沙塵四起的礦場、人聲沸騰的商店大街、聲譽卓著的地區小學、氣氛濃厚的天后誕⋯⋯訴說着那段興旺日子。而有珍禽異獸作鄰居、在海上拼出「龍王」美譽、自發組織防火隊守護村落等生活點滴,亦教村民引以為傲。然而,在茶果嶺盛況空前的同時,各式各樣的基建在茶果嶺周邊悄然展開;村落與附近都市互為影響、共同成長,卻亦在周遭來勢洶洶的城市發展包圍下,逐漸被排除於繁華之外。


¹ 由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助、長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe)主辦及策劃。
² 首批發行的口述歷史專冊書籍將於茶果嶺村香港路德會聖馬可堂(室內展場)、鄰舍輔導會茶果嶺中心內及本中心內(CACHe)免費派發,數量有限,先到先得。

展覽詳情 Exhibition Details

/ 開放日期 Date

2022年7月23日 至 8月13日 *由於展覽反應熱烈,加開8月14日(星期日)下午2時 至 6時的參觀時段
23 July to 13 August, 2022

/ 開放時間 Opening Hours

室內展場於16個指定開放日 下午2時 至 6時 開放(逢星期六開放時間為上午11時 至 下午6時)
Indoor venue only available on specified dates; 2 pm to 6 pm (11am to 6pm on every Saturday)
*室內展場只限已預約人士參觀 Indoor venue for registered visitors only

/ 收費 Fee

全免 Free of charge

/ 展覽地點 Venue

室內展場 Indoor Venue
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Main Street, Cha Kwo Ling, Kwun Tong

戶外展場 Outdoor Checkpoints
Distributed across Cha Kwo Ling. You are invited to explore all these.

/ 展覽參觀辦法 Exhibition Enrolment  


  • 所有公眾人士均須預先透過展場預約系統(請按此)進行預約,每節45分鐘。
  • 展場將實施人數限制。
  • 指定日子(24/7、30/7、6/8及13/8)設有「附導賞環節」時段,為60分鐘展覽導賞及30分鐘室內展場參觀(共90分鐘),只限粵語。
  • 每位參觀者均必須佩戴口罩,並於進場前按職員指示量度體溫及使用搓手液消毒雙手。如發現參觀者發燒,職員有權拒絕進入展場。
  • 活動或會因最新疫情情況及限聚安排而改期或作出改動。
  • 展場不設無障礙通道。如參加者有特殊狀況或查詢,歡迎預先聯絡CACHe,我們將盡力提供建議。
  • 主辦機構保留活動安排之最終決定權。
  • 參加前請閱讀所有條款及細則。

To reduce social contact, crowd management measures will be implemented in the exhibition:

  • All visitors are requested to make an appointment in advance through the registration system. (Please click here) Each section lasts for 45 mins.
  • The number of visitors will be restricted.
  • For special dates (24/7, 30/7, 6/8 & 13/8), there will be ‘Exhibition Guided Tour & Visit’ (90 mins, in Cantonese only).
  • All visitors are requested to wear masks, undergo a body temperature check and use an alcohol-based handrub before admission. Those with fever or flu-like symptoms will not be allowed to enter the exhibition.
  • Events may be rescheduled or changed due to the latest pandemic situation and social distancing measures.
  • Barrier-free access and facilities are not available in the indoor venue. Should there be any special needs or concerns, please feel free to contact us before your visit.
  • Organiser reserves the rights of final decision.
  • Visitors should read the terms and conditions before participation.

/ 建議交通 Getting Here


/ 展覽活動 Events

Talks, Cultural Day, Oral History Workshop, Tours and more.

Future events to be announced soon. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook and Instagram.

/ 香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 —『村梭』社區文化遺產計劃 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: ‘Beyond the Village’ Cultural Heritage Scheme


The Scheme is organised by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.  The village is the key to studying the history of Hong Kong. It is also the root of different community cultures. As a place that contains villagers’ collective memory, village schools play a significant role in cultural heritage. Starting from village schools and the rural culture, the Scheme will dig deep into villages and their communities. Through various activities including rural culture days, special exhibitions, and training of cultural ambassadors, the Scheme serves to enhance the general public’s understanding of local villages and village schools, and to facilitate urban-rural integration. The Scheme also endeavours to encourage public participation. By engaging all stakeholders of the society in preserving rural history and village school culture, the Scheme enables village folklore to be passed on and strengthens social cohesion.

/ 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe)


Established in 2005, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) is committed to organising different heritage conservation activities. Our mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realisation of their social identities.

/ 查詢方法

電話: 2291 0238
電郵: info@cache.org.hk

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