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位於觀塘,毗鄰麗港城的茶果嶺村,是如今碩果僅存的「城中村」之一。無論「起動九龍東」發展計劃如何如火如荼進行、附近的 「將軍澳 – 藍田隧道」已動工,私人樓宇在周邊陸續興建,這條藏於喧鬧都市中的小村落依然自成一角,保持着獨有氣息。她,與城市發展既近且遠。

歷史紀錄的是人的故事,我們也從人出發,讓一個個村民口述故事,帶我們 了解村落發展如何塑造他們的人生;同時窺探村落如何隨着礦業發展逐步成長、又如何因周遭城市發展而漸漸被排除於繁華之外。

走過巍然屹立的石山,聽到每天有巨大「爆石」聲從山的一端作響,沙塵四起,偶有碎石擊中民居之事。再慢慢傾聽村民與村落交織出一篇篇僅屬茶果嶺的軼事:臨海成長的村童竟可徒手游過維多利亞港;為了守衛家園、 挺身而出所成立的防火糾察隊和居民關注組;有一戶人家在山上養了企鵝、黑熊與獅子等,更曾出現過猛獸逃脫 …… 諸如此不平凡的村落日常,緊緊地將村落歷史與村民的生活扣連在一起。

繁華不再、光芒漸黯,曾經人聲沸騰的村落消逝在即。我們懷抱「記憶就是傳承」的信念,亟欲讓歷史留痕,盡力記錄與留下備份,與村民共同書寫屬於彼此、屬於香港人的茶果嶺故事。承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe)展開「『村梭』社區文化遺產計劃 」,於過去一年「村梭」茶果嶺,深入走訪茶果嶺各處,將豐富的口述歷史及文獻資料整理,輯錄而成《村梭茶果嶺:城中村的回憶備份》一書。本書以全彩印刷,中英對照,配以珍貴歷史圖片,歡迎公眾免費索取,細嚐茶果嶺的回憶備份。

/ 內容一覽

第一部份 村民故事:茶果嶺村落說書人

  • 石礦場長大 嚤囉哥哥上山下海的作反日誌
  • 高嶺土場打工 客家妹無法可修飾的一對手
  • 桃花不在情永在 消失的鄧氏大屋
  • 天后誕相逢 搶花炮的約會
  • 鄉民聯誼會 百年村落守衛者
  • 一生到白頭 茶果嶺的青春烙印
  • 被麒麟「收服」 頑童學乖變師傅
  • 自己火自己救 防火糾察隊守家園
  • 生於斯長於斯 三代守護茶果嶺
  • 沒有超市的年代 啟記士多柴米油鹽的歲月靜好
  • 開記冰室 靜止歲月痕跡
  • 懷舊卡座伴街坊六十載 榮華冰室吊扇下的美好小時光
  • 茂發茶室 一代村民的味蕾回憶
  • 點心月餅燒腩仔 添添酒家帶來的舊時香
  • 末代肉檔太子爺 見證茶果嶺街市興衰
  • 雲臺生活——在茶果嶺牽着獅子散步的日子
  • 畢生的承諾 路德會聖馬可堂
  • 走進油庫美麗新世界

第二部份 村落空間:那些年的村落軌跡

  • 天后宮
  • 四山公立學校
  • 求子石
  • 茶果嶺鄉民聯誼會
  • 合義龍
  • 羅氏大屋
  • 茶果嶺大街
  • 海天酒家
  • 鄰舍輔導會茶果嶺中心
  • 祐福樓

(Please scroll down for English version.)

/ Content

Part One VILLAGERS’ NARRATIVES: The Storyteller of Cha Kwo Ling Village

  • Growing Up in the Quarry, the Diary of Brother Mo Lo’s Rebellious Days
  • Working in the Kaolin Mine, the Story Written on the Hakka Girl’s Hands
  • The Lost Tang Mansion, the Love that Ever Was when the Peach Blossom Withered
  • A Date with Fa Pau on Tin Hau Festival
  • The Villagers Fraternity Association – The Century-old Guardians of the Village
  • Marks of Youth and a Lifetime in Cha Kwo Ling
  • ‘Tamed’ by the Qilin – Becoming the Master from a Mischievous Kid
  • Saving Our Own Place, the Fire Watch Team that Safeguard the Village
  • The Place Where They Were Born and Raised: Three Generations of Guardians of Cha Kwo Ling
  • The Tranquil Time in Kai Kee Store of Basic Commodities, the Age Before Supermarket
  • Hoi Kee Cafe, where Time Stood Still
  • The Good Times under the Ceiling Fan in Wing Wah Cafe – The Nostalgic Booth Seat that Accompanied the Neighbourhood for Six Decades
  • Mau Fat Teahouse – The Villagers’ Memory of Taste
  • Dim Sum, Mooncake, Roasted Pork Belly: The Nostalgic Fragrance of Tim Tim Restaurant
  • Heir to the Last Butcher, the Rise and Fall of Cha Kwo Ling’s Fresh Market
  • Strolling with a Lion in Cha Kwo Ling – the Days in Cloud Terrace
  • The Promise of a Lifetime – St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
  • Walking into the Oil Depot – The Beautiful New World

Part Two VILLAGE SPACE : The Footsteps of the Village

  • Tin Hau Temple
  • Sze Shan Public School
  • Stone of Fertility
  • Cha Kwo Ling Villagers Fraternity Association
  • Hoe Yee Lung Dragon Boat
  • The Law Mansion
  • Cha Kwo Ling Main Street
  • Hoi Tin Restaurant
  • The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council – Cha Kwo Ling Centre
  • Yau Fook Building

/免費索取 Available for Free


The free publication Travelling through Cha Kwo Ling – A Memoir of the Urban Village can be obtained in person. One book per person is available on a first come, first served basis while stock lasts.

親身領取(敬請預約)In person:

請於辦公時間內親臨長春社文化古蹟資源中心 或 鄰舍輔導會茶果嶺中心辦公室領取,到訪前須先致電查詢剩餘數量及預約時間領取。

Please visit the office of The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) or The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council Cha Kwo Ling Centre during office hours. Please note that applicants are advised to phone-in before visit to confirm availability and the up-to-date staffed hours.

鄰舍輔導會茶果嶺中心 The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council Cha Kwo Ling Centre


Address: 121-123 Cha Kwo Ling Road, Cha Kwo Ling, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

中心電話 Phone︰2775 3050


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/ 關於香港賽馬會社區資助計劃──「村梭」社區文化遺產計劃


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