《深水埗唐樓店舖》展覽及《香港唐樓店舖》講座 Sham Shui Po Tonglau Shops Exhibition and Thematic Talk on Hong Kong Tonglau Shop
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在深水埗仍有不少老店舊鋪,社區的發展,他們功不可沒。這些店鋪見證了歷史,當他們說自己的故事,這故事可以說出香港歷史,說出時代變遷 。






On both sides of the streets in Sham Shui Po, many old and small shops are still modestly operating. They have been growing with the neighborhood. Their contributions to the development of Sham Shui Po community are ought to be recognized and celebrated. These surviving shops have witnessed history. Their stories tell the history of Hong Kong.

Conservancy Association Center for Heritage (CACHe) is going to launch Sham Shui Po Tonglau Shops Exhibition with the students from CUHK Master of Architecture. The exhibition is about the old shops in Sham Shui Po, we examined the Tonglau Shops to understand the space usage of the building users, as well as the relationship between Tonglau shops and the street life.

And the curator Dr. Woo Pui Leng, the professor from school of Architecture CUHK, will give a thematic talk right after the opening.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest about old buildings in urban districts of Hong Kong. Tonglau was the typical street-oriented shop-house of Hong Kong in 1950s and 1960s. They contain many old and small shops, and some long-time residents. Their activity and life often extend onto the streets and give a distinct sense of place to a district. What is the unique characteristic of this type of architecture? This talk will present the relationship between architecture and people, and to address the need for the conservation of built-heritage in urban districts.


日期Date:                     29 / 06/2013

時間 Time:                      開幕禮 Opening   3:00pm

講座 Thematic Talk      3:30pm

地點Venue     :               長春社文化古蹟資源中心@西營盤西邊街36A後座

CACHe@Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun


長春社文化古蹟資源中心The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage

A: 西營盤西邊街36A後座 Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun

T: 2291 0238 | F: 2291 0236

Website: www.cache.org.hk



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