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承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe)展開「『村梭』社區文化遺產計劃 」,於過去一年「村梭」深井,深入走訪深井各處,將豐富的口述歷史及文獻資料整理,輯錄而成《村梭深井︰他們的百味時代》一書。書中以回憶中的味道作為線索,串連起一代代村民的日常,訴說獨特的村落故事。本書以全彩印刷,中英對照,配以珍貴歷史圖片,歡迎公眾免費索取,細嚐深井的百味時代。(Please scroll down for English version.)

內容一覽 /

第一章 守護村落

  • 實踐就是傳承: 薪火相傳的宗族「兄弟」
  • 伴村落成長的村代表
  • 捱義氣的深井「二哥」
  • 由無到有——東方之村的見證者
  • 山坡一角的傳承人

第二章 默默耕耘

  • 「酒」入槐花香的打工仔
  • 廣州姑娘的「棉棉」絮語
  • 跑在前線的「麵包佬」

第三章 玩轉深井

  • 「阿席」前傳︰惡童變身記
  • 幸福村童手記
  • 最後一代的大街小童

第四章 村落女子

  • 療癒異鄉人的深井好味道
  • 潮州主婦的人生履歷表
  • 由錦田到深井的新娘

What would come to your mind when speaking of a village? The natural scenery hidden behind small houses? The cooking smoke and smell of rice coming from farmhouses? The bittersweet memories that stir up from the wilderness? What was the life of villagers like before the village became modernised? A group of villages started from the times of farming, followed the days of industrial prosperity with factories, and welcomed large residential houses after the factories moved away. These villages have co-existed with the city all along. Sham Tseng, with a history of several hundred years, is such a unique place.

In those days, the simple and natural tastes were contained in the stoves, on the dining table and in the hills in Sham Tseng. Since the Castle Peak Road in Sham Tseng had been later built, the brewery, textile factory, and the bakery moved in one after another, transforming Sham Tseng into an industrial town. The rich aroma of beer, the fragrance of hops and the smell of baking bread filled the whole Sham Tseng in an instant. Whether it was a child born and raised in the village, a worker who worked in the factory, someone who wandered from other towns to establish his or her home here, or a guardian who performed his or her duties in the village, in the memories of each generation of villagers, they have their own unique flavour which lingers in their mind from time to time. What unforgettable flavours can you find in this community?

Sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) launched ‘“Beyond the Village” Cultural Heritage Scheme’. Throughout the whole of the past year, the team of CACHe has ‘travelled through’ Sham Tseng and explored it in depth. By consolidating the rich oral history and research findings, the book Travelling through Sham Tseng: Their Age After-Taste is published. Being the hints in the book, the flavours in the memories link up the daily lives and tell unique stories of the villages. Printed in full color with valuable historical images, this bilingual book can be obtained free of charge. You can enjoy savouring the moments and flavours of Sham Tseng.


Chapter 1 Guarding the Village

  • To Practise Is to Pass Down: ‘Brothers’ of the Same Clan Who Pass Down Inheritance
  • The Village Representative Who Grew Up with the Village
  • The Loyal ‘Yi Gor’ of Sham Tseng
  • Starting from Scratch – Witness to a Village in the East
  • An Heir to the Hillside

Chapter 2 Unremitting Toil

  • The Worker Who Immersed Himself in the Fragrance of Hops
  • Small Talk of a Young Girl from Guangzhou
  • ‘Bread Man’ on the Front Line

Chapter 3 Playing All Around Sham Tseng

  • A Prequel to ‘Ah Jik’: Transformation of a Little Bully
  • Notes of a Happy Village Kid
  • The Last Generation of Street Children

Chapter 4 Village Women

  • Good Taste in Sham Tseng that Healed a Stranger
  • Life Resumé of a Chiu Chow Housewife
  • A Bride from Kam Tin to Sham Tseng

Printed books had all been distributed. Free e-version is available.

電子下載 E-version/

免費索取 Available for Free/

The free publication Travelling through Sham Tseng: Their Age After-Taste can be obtained by post or in person. One book per person is available on a first come, first served basis while stock lasts.

郵寄方法 By post:

請連同附有$14郵資的回郵A4公文袋(書刊尺寸為170mm x 240mm x 20mm,重約470g),郵寄至「香港西營盤西邊街36號A後座 長春社文化古蹟資源中心收」,信封面請列明「索取《村梭深井:他們的百味時代》」。若投寄郵資不足/地址不全/回郵郵費不足/回郵信封尺寸過小,申請將不獲受理。書刊將以平郵寄出,申請者須承擔郵寄風險。

Please attach an A4 size self-addressed envelope with postage of $14 (book size: 170mm x 240mm x 20mm, weight: 470g) and send it to ‘The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe), Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong’, with ‘Obtaining Travelling through Sham Tseng: Their Age After-Taste’ written on the envelope. Application will not be accepted for insufficient postage/incomplete address/inappropriate envelope size. The books are sent by Hong Kong Post ordinary mail service and CACHe does not bear the responsibility of any loss.

親身領取(敬請預約)In person:


Please visit the office of Caritas Hon Man/Sham Tseng/Tsing Lung Tau Community Development Project during office hours. Please note that the staff might work off-site and applicants are advised to phone-in Caritas’ office before visit to confirm the up-to-date staffed hours.

地址:新界荃灣深井深康路40號深井青年中心 (地圖請按此
Address: Sham Tseng Youth Centre, 40 Sham Hong Road, Sham Tseng, New Territories

辦公時間:請參閱網頁 https://cd.caritas.org.hk/hm.htm

Office hour: Please visit https://cd.caritas.org.hk/hm.htm

明愛中心電話 Phone︰2491 7078

關於香港賽馬會社區資助計劃──「村梭」社區文化遺產計劃 /


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查詢方法 /

電話: 2291 0238
電郵: info@cache.org.hk
網頁: www.cache.org.hk

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