《電車 · 維城──歷史圖片集》 A Tram Ride in Victoria City– Historical Photo Collection
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《電車.維城 ──歷史圖片集》


. 印量有限,值得珍藏
.售價:HKD 250

查詢 / 訂購        | 2291 0238/ info@cache.org.hk


/ 長春社文化古蹟資源中心



A Ride to the Past: A Collectible Postcard Series featuring Hong Kong’s Historic City Trams/

In 1904, trams came into service in connecting the West and East of Hong Kong Island.
Being the fastest road transport in early days,
the running tramcars helped to unlock the era of the city’s growth along its track.
Having served the city for over a century, the tramcars,
despite its speed now being outdistanced by other modes of transport,
are still up and running along the roads of Hong Kong.

The collection consists of 100 vintage postcards made from rare and old tram photos
in capturing the beauty of Hong Kong Island North at various times.
It includes the historical scenes from Sai Wan, Central, Admiralty, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay
and old Sharp Street East Tram Depot in different periods.
Flip through the old tram photos, and revisit the historical traces of the city’s development.

//A Tram Ride in Victoria City – Historical Photo Collection//

- A collection of 100 rare old tram photos in capturing the beauty of Hong Kong Island North at various times
- Inner pages can be separated as individual postcards
- Profit over cost of the book sales will go to The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) to support the organization’s work in heritage conservation
- Limited Availability
- Price: HKD 250

Order / Enquiries | 2291 0238 / info@cache.org.hk


About CACHe /
Established in 2005, CACHe is committed to organizing different heritage conservation activities. Its mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realization of their social identities.

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