聖類斯中學東翼 East Wing, St Louis School





CACHe · 026C


CACHe · 026M


Grading: Grade 2

Situated in Sai Ying Pun, a district where many schools and colleges can be found, St Louis School has a history that dates back to 1863. That year, Father Timoleon Raimondi, a then bishop of the colony, established a Chinese day school in Hong Kong, which was relocated in Sai Ying Pun and called the West Point Reformatory in the following year. The school taught carpentry, tailoring, shoe-making, and book-binding to poor street children. It was named St Louis Industrial School after it was handed over to the Salesians of Don Bosco in 1927. It was not until 1936 that the school was converted into a grammar school and renamed St Louis School. The original arts and crafts department of the school was moved to what is now known as the Aberdeen Technical School.

The school building consists of four wings: north, east, central, and west. Among the different parts of the campus, the east wing, built in 1927, is the most aesthetically appealing. Sited at a 45-degree angle to the junction of Third Street and Kwong Fung Lane, the east wing features a curved porch at the entrance and balconies on the upper floors, with external walls finished in cement plaster to resemble masonry.

CACHe · 026E


「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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